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Basic documents

Profile of the Awarding Authority

Memorial of Silence, state contributory organization

Founder: Ministry of Culture of the CR

Registered Office: Maltézské náměstí 471/1, 110 00 Prague 1

Contact and Postal Address: Osadní 26, 170 00 Prague 7

Signature Container: 3hf4ria, Memorial of Silence

Invoicing Information

Maltézské náměstí 471/1, 110 00 Prague 1

(mailing address: Osadní 26, 170 00 Prague 7)

Company ID No: 10892303

The Memorial of Silence is not a VAT payer.

Public Procurement

Public contracts can be found on the NEN portal on the profile of The Memorial of Silence.

The Memorial of Silence, Company ID No: 10892303

Register of Contracts

According to Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on the Register of Contracts, the Memorial of Silence is obliged to publish all contracts over CZK 50,000 (VAT inclusive) in the Register of Contracts. The Memorial of Silence, Company ID No: 10892303

State contributory organization established by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic on the basis of the founding documentas at 27 May 2021.

Foundation Document (in Czech)

Annual Reports

Annual Reports of the Memorial of Silence (Památník ticha, s. p. o.)


Annual Reports of the Prague Shoah Memorial (Památník šoa Praha, o. p. s.)

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